Hair Bundles

How To Preserve Life of Wig!

Alopecia Wigs · Brazilian hair · Cancer Wigs · Custom Wigs · H.D. Wigs · Hair bundles · hairextensions · Hairline · Handmade Wigs · Indian hair · Lace Frontal Wigs · Lace wigs · Machine made wigs · Mobilestylist · Pre-Plucked Wigs · siliver hair extensions · U part wigs · Wig cleaning service · Wig closures · May 17, 2020 How To Preserve Life of Wig! Now that you have purchased or considering purchasing our hair, we want to share how to keep your hair looking as great and vibrant as ever! Remember only you can control how long your wig or hair extensions will last. RULES TO LIVE BY Keep it on a wig stand when you’re not wearing it. This can help maintain its structure and keep it from getting tangled. Use only sulfate free shampoo and conditioner for your wigs and hair extensions. Never sleep in or with wet hair it as it will become a tangled mess. Sleep in a satin bonnet.    Avoid hot water, saltwater, and chlorine to prevent any damage to the strands. Summer is almost here so protect your investment by braiding your wig or hair extension before swimming. Finally, be mindful of what tools you use to style your wig. Depending on the style and texture, you may not want to use heated styling tools, such as curling irons or straighteners. When in doubt, go easy on your wig and hair extensions . For example, if you purchased a body wave texture or kinky curly hair why in the world would you use a heated tools?? It’s simply better to purchase a silky straight or kinky straight. Check out our selection of these excellent textures here. Protect your hair investment and purchase only hair textures and fit your lifestyle and mood. Convenience is the key to successfully wearing our hair extensions and wigs. Be careful with your wigs, if you’re gentle to  your extensions they’ll last longer. ALH now offers wig care services that may include pick up and delivery. Please contact us about this new service.

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Alopecia Wigs · Cancer Wigs · Custom Wigs · Eye lashes · Frontals · Fullace Wigs · Hair bundles · Hair extensions · Hair lenghts · Lace Frontal Wigs · Lace wigs · Luxury hair · Machine made wigs · Wig cleaning service · Wig making services · Jul 14, 2020 WHAT IS YOUR PREFERENCE RAW OR VIRGIN HAIR? RAW HUMAN HAIR So, what is raw hair and where does it come from? Raw unprocessed human hair is sourced mainly from overseas. India, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, and South America are hotspots for raw hair.  Hair that comes from China is usually processed in some form. They apply chemicals, steam it, bleach it blonde, remove the cuticle and coat the cap with silicone to match various textures. On the other hand, raw hair is exactly as the name applies; Raw, unprocessed, 100% human hair. When you think about unprocessed this means it has not undergone ANY chemical, heat or steam processing. Raw hair is the most purest and natural form of hair available on the market. Raw hair is great; the quality is top notch and if taken care of, it can last from two to four years. Now lets get into the details of raw hair. Single donor hair is a bundle of hair that is cut only from one donor, that is what’s called single drawn hair. Double donor hair is cut twice from one donor (This type of hair is more expensive than a single donor). When the hair is collected from donors it is examined for evidence of lice then its washed, shampooed, conditioned, sorted then made into the wigs, frontals, closures, and bundles we all love!  The beauty of Raw hair is that no two bundles are the same in terms of color and texture. That’s because the hair is not steamed from uniformed patterns.  The other thing to keep in mind is that raw human hair will most likely be aligned, meaning the hair is organized in the same direction to keep hair from tangling. To test this out you can simply take a few strands of hair starting from the top and run your fingers down the length of hair. It should be very smooth, however if you do the same thing in the opposite direction you should feel some resistance or friction that is an indication of real quality hair that will last from two to four years (depending on how well the hair is cared for). Raw hair does require regular maintenance to maintain its sheen. As weird as it seems, raw hair needs a lot of moisturizing and conditioning. We highly recommend using quality products, salon grade hair care products  may cost more, but in the long run it will preserve the life span of your wigs or hair extensions. If that’s not an option for you then please use products that has no sulfates, paraneans, or alcohol as these ingredients tend to strip raw hair leaving it dull and brittle. There are specific products you should and should not use on raw hair.  MAIN  FEATURES  OF  RAW  HUMAN  HAIR Raw Indian: Raw Indian hair is extremely popular and favored by clientele and usually comes in lighter brown colors- which may be a pro if you need to blend it with lighter colored natural leave outs. See our collection of our raw Indian hair here. Raw Vietnamese: Raw Vietnamese is usually comes in a bomb straight texture. Super smooth and perfect for any sleek looks. The texture is also great for blending with natural hair. See more here. Raw Cambodian: Raw Cambodian hair is very full body, thick, wavy and mostly used for curlier styles. South American: Raw South American hair is very full body hair that comes in straight, wavy, and in rare cases curly. What makes South American hair great is that the colors, textures and lengths are well suited to most ethnicities. VIRGIN  HUMAN  HAIR Virgin hair is a term for hair that has never been chemically processed.  Chemically processed hair is hair that has been color treated, permed, relaxed, bleached or dyed.  Unlike raw hair, which only comes in three textures (and usually one to three origins), Virgin hair comes in a variety of origins and textures. Raw hair normally comes in 3 froms, straight, natural wave, and curly. You have more of a variety with Virgin hair, the textures and patterns range from Brazilian to  Mongolian, and comes in a variety of textures like kinky curly, body wave, deep curly, etc.  Steam processing or steaming allows for the creating of those hot exotic and unique styles including: body wave, deep wave, mink or silky straight, Italian curl or Spanish wave, kinky curl, tight curl, curly wave, loose wave, kinky straight, 4C Afro kinky, natural wave, Blonde 613. So, here you have it a quick intro to raw and virgin hair. We recommend that you sign up for our newsletter because we plan on dropping different styles of wigs and hairextensions using these raw and virgin hair goods.Newsletter here  All the best, Ada Leroux Hair Hey do you wear our products? We would love to see your selfies!


How To Expand Life of Your Wigs and Hairextensions

360 Lace Wigs · Alopecia Wigs · Bob wigs · Brazilian hair · Cancer Wigs · Curly hair · Custom Wigs · Eye lashes · Frontals · Full lace wigs · Fullace Wigs · Gray hair · H D wigs · Hair blog · Hair bundles · Hair care · Hair extensions · Hair lenghts · Hair textures · hairextensions · Hairline · Handmade Wigs · Indian hair · Kids Wigs · Lace Frontal Wigs · Lace wigs · Luxury hair · Machine made wigs · Mobilestylist · Pre-Plucked Wigs · siliver hair extensions · U part wigs · Wig care · Wig cleaning service · Wig closures · Wig making services · Wigs · Womens Wigs · Jan 30, 2020 How To Expand Life of Your Wigs and Hairextensions How To Expand The Life of You Hair Extensions and Wigs Now that you understand how to wash your wig at home your hair will look vibrant as ever. Remember, only you can control how long your hair will last. You work hard for your money, so if you just purchased new hair why not take care of it as if it was your own? There are some ways to prolong its lifespan. Keep it on a wig stand when you’re not wearing it. This can help maintain its structure and keep it from getting tangled. Sleep in a satin bonnet. Take a look at our selection of styles and colors here.   Avoid hot water, saltwater, and chlorine to prevent any damage to the strands, and be mindful of what tools you use to style your wig. Depending on the style and texture, you may not want to use heated styling tools, such as curling irons or straighteners. When in doubt, go easy on your wig. For example, if you purchased a body wave texture or kinky curly hair why in the world would you use heated tools? Protect your hair investment and purchase only hair textures and fit your lifestyle and mood. Convenience is the key to successfully wearing hair extensions and wigs. The more careful and gentle you are to your human hair wigs, the longer they will last. ALH now offers wig care services that may include pick up and delivery, please contact us about this new service!

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360 Lace Wigs · Alopecia Wigs · Bob wigs · Brazilian hair · Cancer Wigs · Custom Wigs · Eye lashes · Full lace wigs · Fullace Wigs · H.D. Wigs · Hair blog · Hair bundles · Hair care · Hair extensions · hairextensions · Handmade Wigs · Indian hair · Lace Frontal Wigs · Machine made wigs · Mobilestylist · Pre-Plucked Wigs · Wig cleaning service · Wig making services · Womens Wigs · May 29, 2020 HOW TO SECURE YOUR WIG Although a well-fitting wig should stay in place without any further wig attachments, you may feel happier using an added security wig attachment, such as some wig combs. Method 1: Wig Combs Almost all wigs usually come with hand sewn comb inside the wig caps if done properly they are placed in the following areas: the crown, back of the head and just above the ears. Just be aware that wig combs are only effective if you have some hair and you are not wearing a wig cap. Wig combs are easy to use and an inexpensive way of securing your wigs every day of the week. They come in different colors to match all your different wigs, as well as different sizes, to complement the different stylings of our wigs too. Once you’ve styled your wig, all your need to do is lift a handful of the top section of the wig and place the combs in to secure the wig around your scalp. It’s good to do a few trial runs of securing the wig with combs before wearing your wig out just so you feel comfortable and confident with where the combs are placed. Method 2: Wig Tape Before using any wig tape or adhesive it’s always a great idea to do a skin test on the inside of your elbow. Why? To make sure you’re not allergic to the ingredients in these products. If you notice any rashes, itching, or even swelling, discard that product before you put it on your head. If you’re a cancer patient please speak with your doctor before using any types of products on your skin. The wig tape is attached to the underside of your wig to secure a comfortable bond to your scalp. This type of bond may last from 7 to 10 days. It is a great place to start if you can not to secure your wig with your own hair. I strongly recommend you purchase the accompanying wig tape or glue solvent as it cuts down on the removal time of your wig. It’s a more scalp-friendly alternative to wig glue, as adhesives can irritate a sensitive scalp, especially for those recovering from cancer treatment. Wig tape is a great way to keep your wig in place whilst still allowing for natural movement and the low residue tape allows for an  easy clean-up. The tape is good for daily wear dependent on temperature, humidity and body oils of the wig-wearer. Method 3: Wig Caps For those asking how to secure a capless wig, a wig cap may be the perfect solution for you. There are many benefits to wearing a wig cap, most importantly it guarantees that your long or short natural hair will stay in place. What’s more, it prevents friction from breaking the natural hair by creating a safe and sanitized barrier between the wig and scalp, maintaining the cleanliness of your wig. Some of our customers love wig caps, and some don’t. It is a completely personal preference. Wig caps don’t just act a protective barrier between the scalp and your wig, they are also the perfect tool for helping keep your wig in place.  Method 4: Wig Grip The Wig Grip was designed to make wearing a wig during hair loss more secure, confident and comfortable. It adjusts to body movements, distributes the weight of a wig or hat evenly and keeps them from slipping. It is phenomenal for alleviating pressure and provides great wig security. If you want to remove your wig regularly throughout the day, it is easy to take on and off with the wig grip. If you wear wig tape all day you can sometimes get a tension headache, while that typically won’t happen with a wig grip. You might find that a wig grip band is a lightweight, durable, and very comfortable solution. Method 5: Wig Glue Like with wig tape, wig glue should only be used by people little or no hair. As with wig tape, wig glue is an extremely secure method of wig attachment, and you could potentially rip out hairs when you remove it. Remember to purchase wig tape or glue remover solvent to make the removal process easier. Wig glue is a adhesive that will dry clear, require at least two or three coats to create a strong bond, and won’t leave stains. Most glue is has a water base and is pliable (it will move with your skin rather than staying stiff in one area). Hope this info is useful to you be sure to visit our website to see our hair extensions, wigs, and lashes. Here.Can’t wait to shop? Check out our wigs and hair-extensions below now. Like, follow, and subscribe to our Facebook and Instagram links at top of the page. All the best, Ada Leroux Hair Hey do you wear our products? We’d love to see your selfies!



360 Lace Wigs · Alopecia Wigs · Bob wigs · Brazilian hair · Cancer Wigs · Curly hair · Custom Wigs · Eye lashes · Frontals · Full lace wigs · Gray hair · H D wigs · Hair blog · Hair bundles · Hair extensions · Handmade Wigs · Indian hair · Kids Wigs · Machine made wigs · Mobilestylist · Pre-Plucked Wigs · siliver hair extensions · Wig cleaning service · Wig making services · Jun 22, 2020 THAT 70’S HAIR IS BACK ! THE 70’ S HAIRSTYLES ARE MAKING A COMEBACK ! Whether they are beautifully natural, achieved with curling irons or even a perm, big curls have continued to dominate the runways. Luckily for you, these looks can easily be recreated by us at Ada Leroux Hair. Any 1970s hairstyles can work like a dream for you, regardless of your current hair texture. To bring your desired look to life, Ada Leroux Hair has a marid of hair textures and length that fits the 70’s look perfectly… THE SLEEK LOOK Our wigs and hair extensions can be styled into a sleek perfection, giving your mane a straightened, high-fashion finish to compliment your overall style. While many may think that this look is new, you might be surprised to learn that ’70s pop icon Cher was the real mastermind behind this look.  BIG CURLS & AFROS When you think about the 70’s hairstyles you can’t help think about the iconic Diana Ross. Ms. Ross perfected this look of big beautiful Afros and large bouncy curls, which style do you like the most? THE FARRAH FLIP You know a hairstyle is iconic when it has its own name and that’s exactly the case here with the ‘Farrah Fawcett’s flip’. This ’70s hairstyle is all about big volume waves curled away from the face and curtain style bangs. THE SHAG The shag look is a great hairstyle and easy to maintain. It has become increasingly popular with many celebs as it boasts of volume, extra long bangs, and simply effortless styles that fit in from day and night. You can’t talk about 1970s hairstyles for long hair without mentioning feathered layers. But if classic ’70s feathers are too old school for you, know that the modern-day variation is anything but boring. Between all these 70’s styles, there’s no shortage of ways to rock your wigs. Not sure of which one to go for? Take a look at our hair goods here.

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360 Lace Wigs · Alopecia Wigs · Bob wigs · Brazilian hair · Cancer Wigs · Custom Wigs · Frontals · Fullace Wigs · H D wigs · Hair bundles · Hair extensions · Hair textures · hairextensions · Handmade Wigs · Lace Frontal Wigs · Luxury hair · siliver hair extensions · Wig cleaning service · Wig closures · Wig making services · Jul 21, 2020 FRONTALS OR CLOSURE ? QUICK LOOK AT BOTH Frontals and closures have different advantages and setbacks, the choice you make between them depends on what you are trying to achieve with your wigs or hair extensions. In short, frontals and closures are what we call mini hairpieces, they are used to finish off your sew ins or added to top wigs for more volume. Naturally the goal is to give you a flawless but natural look, like the hair is growing out of your scalp. Let’s start with frontals. FRONTALS We at Ada Leroux Hair really love frontals, they are so versatile allowing for styling flexibility. Of the two mini hairpieces mentioned above, a frontal usually measures 13 inches in length from ear to ear and go 4 to 6 inches deep. This length is great because it allows for deeper partings and front updo’s. Secondly, they are a great solution for women and girls experiencing traction Alopecia or other medical hair loss issues because they also require less bundles. Frontals are made with a lightweight materials: the hair is hand tied knotted to the lace so that when its laid next to skin looks like hair growing out of scalp. Customization is often required and should be done by an experienced hair stylist. Due to delicate materials used a word of caution is needed, as great as frontals are we do not recommend them for daily everyday wear. Frontals give you so many options for styling. You can do a center part or deep-side part, but you can also pull your hair back into a half-ponytail or full ponytail. This is a great option for those who like to mix up their looks and change the way they part their hair. With this hairpiece, you’re not limited to the number of ways you can part or style your hair. Do keep in mind, because frontals are so versatile and include more material, they do tend to be pricier than closures. CLOSURES A closure is similar to a frontal, but it has more limitations when it comes to styling. Instead of having a strip of scalp-like material that runs from ear to ear, the closure typically comes in a horseshoe shape in the following sizes: 4×4, 5×5, 6×6, and even 7×7- inch. Closures are hand tied and knotted with human hair giving the illusion of hair growing from scalp. The closure can be placed on the middle, right or left side of the sew in or wig.  Unlike the frontal, which allows you to part your hair in an infinite number of ways, the closure only allows for a few different parting styles. If that is a big concern for you, then opt in to the largest sizes closures 5×5, 6×6, or 7×7-inch. Closures are an excellent choice for daily wear and tends to be a bit easier to manage. If you are thinking about trying bangs then closures are great way to test that look out.  Keep in mind it’s not really possible to create up-dos or half ponytails with closures, but they are great for every day styles that is why they cost a bit less than frontals. Quality and grade of hair also may factor into the cost. Extend the life of your wigs and hair extensions buy wearing our newest products, our satin bonnets are a great choice for maintaining hair quality. All the best, Ada Leroux Hair Hey do you wear our products? We would love to see your selfies!