Surprise! Ada Leroux Hair now offers virtual and in-person consultations so you do not have to concern yourself with getting the proper measurements. To see if we can solve your hair loss concerns please get in touch by visiting our contact us page. If you still want to learn about measuring your head, please continue reading below.
When is comes to wearing wigs a good fitting one is always better because you don’t want it shifting around or falling off your head. Correct measurement leads to great fitting wigs, for us wig designers and makers a proper measurement is our roadmap. We want you to be happy with your purchase because when you look good, so do we.
Rules to measure by:
1. Always measure your head according how you’re gonna wear the wig. For instance if you have hair then braid it or wrap if down before attempting to measure. A wig cap is an excellent tool to keep your hair in place.
2. If you’ve never measured your head before it’s recommended that you do it at least twice or get someone help you.
3. This my sound silly but be sure to write those measurements in the correct location believe me it’s very easy to get the mixed up.
4. Get a really good measuring tape which you can find at any fabric store in your area if not then online then at stores like Joanns or Micheals.
5. Please take a look at this brief video it demonstrates how to measure correctly. Click here.
6. Sign up for our newsletter here or you can request an free measurement form here. We’d be glad to send you one.