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Although a well-fitting wig should stay in place without any further wig attachments, you may feel happier using an added security wig attachment, such as some wig combs.

Method 1: Wig Combs

Almost all wigs usually come with hand sewn comb inside the wig caps if done properly they are placed in the following areas: the crown, back of the head and just above the ears.

Just be aware that wig combs are only effective if you have some hair and you are not wearing a wig cap. Wig combs are easy to use and an inexpensive way of securing your wigs every day of the week. They come in different colors to match all your different wigs, as well as different sizes, to complement the different stylings of our wigs too. Once you’ve styled your wig, all your need to do is lift a handful of the top section of the wig and place the combs in to secure the wig around your scalp. It’s good to do a few trial runs of securing the wig with combs before wearing your wig out just so you feel comfortable and confident with where the combs are placed.

Method 2: Wig Tape

Before using any wig tape or adhesive it’s always a great idea to do a skin test on the inside of your elbow. Why? To make sure you’re not allergic to the ingredients in these products. If you notice any rashes, itching, or even swelling, discard that product before you put it on your head. If you’re a cancer patient please speak with your doctor before using any types of products on your skin.

The wig tape is attached to the underside of your wig to secure a comfortable bond to your scalp. This type of bond may last from 7 to 10 days. It is a great place to start if you can not to secure your wig with your own hair.

I strongly recommend you purchase the accompanying wig tape or glue solvent as it cuts down on the removal time of your wig.

It’s a more scalp-friendly alternative to wig glue, as adhesives can irritate a sensitive scalp, especially for those recovering from cancer treatment. Wig tape is a great way to keep your wig in place whilst still allowing for natural movement and the low residue tape allows for an  easy clean-up. The tape is good for daily wear dependent on temperature, humidity and body oils of the wig-wearer.

Method 3: Wig Caps

For those asking how to secure a capless wig, a wig cap may be the perfect solution for you. There are many benefits to wearing a wig cap, most importantly it guarantees that your long or short natural hair will stay in place. What’s more, it prevents friction from breaking the natural hair by creating a safe and sanitized barrier between the wig and scalp, maintaining the cleanliness of your wig.

Some of our customers love wig caps, and some don’t. It is a completely personal preference. Wig caps don’t just act a protective barrier between the scalp and your wig, they are also the perfect tool for helping keep your wig in place. 

Method 4: Wig Grip

The Wig Grip was designed to make wearing a wig during hair loss more secure, confident and comfortable. It adjusts to body movements, distributes the weight of a wig or hat evenly and keeps them from slipping. It is phenomenal for alleviating pressure and provides great wig security.

If you want to remove your wig regularly throughout the day, it is easy to take on and off with the wig grip. If you wear wig tape all day you can sometimes get a tension headache, while that typically won’t happen with a wig grip. You might find that a wig grip band is a lightweight, durable, and very comfortable solution.

Method 5: Wig Glue

Like with wig tape, wig glue should only be used by people little or no hair. As with wig tape, wig glue is an extremely secure method of wig attachment, and you could potentially rip out hairs when you remove it. Remember to purchase wig tape or glue remover solvent to make the removal process easier.

Wig glue is a adhesive that will dry clear, require at least two or three coats to create a strong bond, and won’t leave stains. Most glue is has a water base and is pliable (it will move with your skin rather than staying stiff in one area).

Hope this info is useful to you be sure to visit our website to see our hair extensions, wigs, and lashes. Here.
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All the best,

Ada Leroux Hair

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