Here are some crucial tips and advice for effectively managing alopecia.

Solutions for women's hair loss can be extensive
  • If you opt to use a wig or hairpiece, it’s important to select one that closely matches your natural hair color, style, and texture for a seamless look.
  • Additionally, consider incorporating scarves, caps, turbans, or hats as stylish alternatives to wigs and hairpieces to express your style while managing your hair.
  • When taking care of your hair, it’s important to use a soft bristle brush and handle your hair gently to prevent any excessive brushing or pulling that could cause damage. When washing your hair, opt for mild and gentle shampoos and conditioners. Make sure to thoroughly rinse your hair and gently pat it dry to avoid any potential damage.
  • Additionally, it’s recommended to steer clear of coloring, perming, or relaxing your hair. Avoid using hair dryers, electric rollers, or curling irons, as these can all contribute to hair damage.
  • To preserve the health of your hair, it’s advisable to reduce the use of hair accessories like clips, barrettes, elastic bands, bobby pins, and hairsprays. Additionally, it’s recommended to refrain from braiding or tying your hair into a ponytail.
  • Following treatment, hair typically regrows within six to eight weeks. However, anticipate that the new growth may have a slightly different color and texture initially.


  • If you decide to use a wig or hairpiece, it’s recommended to have it ready to match your natural hair color, style, and texture. Consider Ada Leroux Hair System visit our website here to learn more about the services offered.